Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Seattle Time

I'm in Seattle this week to work on the project ab: from/to today. It is a collaborative project with Jürg Koch and I. This is a still from todays rehearsal:

We've also started a blog for it so that we can keep people up to date with the project happenings. It premiers this June at Northwest New Works at On the Boards.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Body Electric, II

My class Body Electric is amazing. I truly love talking about my concepts with a really skilled artist and electronics technician.

The next project is going to be a prototype of the Kavadi rig. Woot! Wait, did I do that, seriously? In any case, it is going to be amazing. The exciting thing is that by the end of this class I may have figured out a way to bypass the transducer and figure out how to make me a transducer. Subcutaneous nerve stimulation may be the key to that. We shall see.

New treats: Will be building a muscle monitor system and muscle stimulant unit in the next month. I will be rigged out for electricity like none other. Okay, so that isn't true, but I will be the DIY body electric grrrrlll of the future. It will be lovely.

I will video the kavadi rig if it is possible and post it. The whole project will be divine.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

light work 1

These photos are from a prototype installation from this week. It is currently untitled, and is a work in progress. The media that I am working in for it is light, mirror, rope, wood, plastic, and milk.