Thursday, September 3, 2009

The beginning of a new academic year

This is the start of the new academic year, and with it, lots of different things are afoot.

I will be teaching a couple of class sections this term on physicality, the body, movement and technology, and (of course) electronic performance art. I was told today that I am one of the primary researchers in my program in physicality, and so I was the best fit for these lectures. Should be fun!

The kavadi project is moving forward again, starting next week. The project is slow moving, as is the suspension project, as I've been busy working on grant proposals, project proposals, and in general, recovering from a busy year. I'll be posting again pretty regularly now, so get ready for new art weirdness!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Kavadi pictures 2

Photos by Linda Zhang, 2009. Thanks, Lin!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kavadi rig performance prototype

This was the first run of a new performance/instrument prototype I"m working on. This version used Galvanic Skin Response sensors to control video. The next one will use a constant current in my body of audio signal.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Been a while, but still here

It's been a while since I posted here. I was working on my PhD qualifying examinations, and the creative side of things had to drift off for a short while. I passed.

So here is the current trajectory: I'm working on a hand made myograph (muscle monitoring system) and building a personal kavadi rig to use in a performance. I'll be wearing the rig and using the myograph as a control system in the performance. This will happen in about two weeks time from now.

May 1 I have a performance that is low key- with my glove system from a year ago. It will be great to use it again, though it isn't exactly what I want to work with. The system needs to be redesigned, which I am planning on doing this summer. Things are busy, as usual.

My body is pretty much recovered from the surgery and medical issues from December and January, so the body project will get going again pretty soon. I'll keep you up to date.

Thursday, March 26, 2009