I've had to slow down on the body work projects for a little while. Testing was to begin this weekend, but due to some unforeseen circumstances I've had to take a little break from it. I should be back up and running with suspension in the first week of January... details of which will be posted when I have them. In the interim, I'll be working with a woodworker in NYC to test my body for resonant nodes the same way you would test wood- by hooking my body up to a large vibrating machine and see where sand settles on it. I'm hoping when we rig this up we can videotape it. Somehow, the visual idea of this is too wonderful to not video. Somehow I think we need to rig this up to be something gorgeous rather than what it will be- a mythbusters style video. Eh... testing is testing. Musicians are never great with aesthetic anyhow, right?
Onto other things of note: Within the next month I'll have two full length recordings come out online. (What is a full length online recording anyway? I am stuck with the notions of EP, LP and CD formats for timing.) One will be of my as-of-yet nameless duet project, and the second will be a solo release. All of this is "in situ" and I will post here accordingly once it is all public.
What else can be mentioned? Where else am I behind in work? Ah yes... still putting together the tour, gathering materials and getting ready for hopefully two short Seattle trips for the new dance piece. I also have a piece to put together for the Boston Cyber Arts Festival now, which will be a solo project for me (go figure) and who knows what else. With the CyberArts festival I'll be able to test the tech for the Seattle show, however, so that is good.
Last but not least, get ready for some invasive and guerilla style mobile media dance projects this spring. I'm trying to put together a troupe who is willing to take the city by storm. Once I've got five or six nutters ready to take it on, I'll post some dates, times, and locations.
So, even though my posts have slowed, I'm still busy, and still working on all of this. I'll keep at least a weekly update for stuff for the next few weeks until I get the video and pictures back from the test runs of the suspension project.