After a short bout of illness, I'm not fully recovered and ready to go back to work on the body projects. There are a few additions, a few changes, and of course, more art!
Next week I begin working on the electricity course. I'm excited to work on electronically controlled muscular contractions (the Huge Harry stuff I posted the picture on a bit back). I'm also excited that I will be able to start really researching and delving into the notions of pain from the 1970's. Stelarc, I'm coming for you!
The audio-speaker project is starting up again, and soon. I had to find a new supplier for hooks, as the ones I'd been testing with recently were not as comfortable as the ones I first had, so with any luck I'll have a new batch of hooks soon. Also, the needles I purchased last were, well... not so comfy either. Turns out that the length of the needle shaft is very important, as it can increase pain dramatically. I'm no stranger to nor am I afraid of pain, but I really don't need to make things more intense than they already are.
What else? Oh yeah. Turns out you can do a lot of damage internally with certain audio frequencies, so I am definitely going to stick with the 'bowed string' model I'd initially discussed until I know exactly what frequencies will and will not mess me up internally. I've also figured out a non-invasive testing model for resonance, which will be my new mode of testing rather than going up on hooks as I originally planned. As much as I love going up, I like the idea of non-hook testing modes. So the obvious solution? Kavadi spears! Yes, you hear me right, kavadi spears. They are wonderfully resonant, bowable, and will make lovely test subjects.
It looks like the first major public performance will be in late March, Early April (Right on target with my initial estimates!). I'll keep you posted.
On other news, I have two releases that will be coming out this friday, so check back then when I post the press release!